Thursday, March 5, 2015

Tan Malaka : moving behind the scenes

Tan Malaka: moving behind the scenes Tan Malaka, a name that is highly sought after and feared by the Dutch colonial government. However, his name is also highly respected by the nationalist movement, including Soekarno - Hatta. Born with the name of the title Datuk Ibrahim Tan Malaka, 21 February 1897 in the village of Pandan Tower, Suliki, West Sumatra. Smart brain to make rapid completion of school teachers in Bukit Tinggi 1908. Because intelligent brain then he became very critical of the government's economic policy and the Netherlands and in 1912 he founded the New Rakayat Congress party. In 1916 he went to Holland and continue their education to the School Teachers in Harleem, Netherlands. But in 1919 he returned to Indonesia and became a teacher in the Deli Serdang diperkebunan. Perspective plantation region with the porters and the landlord gives a new and real understanding of life colonized people. Gap plight of indigenous colonized by a foreign nation plantation owners to vitamin formation of a sense of nationalism to rid the nation of Indonesia. Tan Malaka go to Java and discuss with Ki Hajar Dewantara much about the fate of the Indonesian nation. Tan Malaka became increasingly radical intelligent and joining PKI to provide a new critical stance against Dutch colonialism in Indonesia. When he was elected chairman of the Indonesian Communist Party in Semarang December 25, 1921. The Dutch colonial government oversee the political movement Tan Malaka and PKInya.

Therefore, in 1922, he captured the Dutch secret police and dumped into Kupang, but, because it is still critical, he is cast out of the country. So that is disconnected from other members of the communist party. However, intelligence and position became head of the party in Indonesia causing it easy to establish communication with many prominent communist political parties in many countries and this is what causes it to become a member of the Communist International (Comintern) with the task of disseminating the international communist strategy to various communist party officials in various countries . pindah. pindah. pindah. The views Tan Malaka is often different from other PKI leaders make it out of the CPI in 1927 and with his friend Subakat, Jamaludin Tamin, in Bangkok, June 1927 he founded the Party of the Republic of Indonesia with the main objective to form independent Indonesia. Changes partaipun still he supervised and in a hurry Dutch police, so he had to disguise anywhere to go. Tan Malaka reappear before the proclamation to come to the house Sukarni, Chairul Saleh, Anwar Tjokroaminoto, and Mr. Ahmad Subardjo, with samara Husin name and claimed to be a youth representative bayah, Banten. But he only met with Sukarni. He was able to meet with Mr. Ahmad Subardjo dated December 18, 1945 and this meeting which makes it recognizable as Tan Malaka.

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